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DOD Skill Bridge Approved

Search for us by entering Sales Platoon 

Next Cohort Starts:

April 29th, 2024

2024 Cohort Starts:

August 26th, 2024


Sales hiring is challenging. 



First-time sales candidates are only available seasonally, post-graduation from colleges and universities. This makes hiring off-season, challenging, and open headcount almost impossible to find


Some sobering statistics:



The average turnover for a sales team of 10 with the majority of exits occurring off-cycle and without warning.



The average number of days that an open sales position remains vacant.



On a sales team of 10 people with a quota of $50k/mo. this translates to an impact of well over $850k per year.


To gain a competitive edge, your organization requires a different approach to identifying non-traditional sources of high-potential sales talent. 


This requires sourcing "pre-vetted" candidates from a different talent pool.


But how do you identify those who are most likely to succeed?


Click the icon to be taken to a link to determine your company's gap to goal from attrition.

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Contact Sales Platoon Today for More Information:

For Veterans
Click the Orange Icon for Cohort Application


Every year, 250,000 veterans separate the Armed Services. 


More than ½ are under 25, only 3% have college degrees and 75% separate active duty with no job.


Although military members with specialized training find roles, those who do will have 5 jobs in their next 3 years.


The bridge from military life, military skills and military discipline to civilian life requires a transition.  A boot camp.  An indoctrination. 


And that's exactly what we provide at Sales Platoon - with a focus on leveraging and translating highly skilled, resilient, dedicated, adaptive and disciplined men and women from active duty to a career that aligns well.  A career in sales.


For Employers
Click the Blue Icon to
Interview Our Graduates

Our Story


Transitioning Military Experience to
World Class Sales Results


Our veterans have the ability to quickly learn new methodologies, execute in a controlled environment, overcome adversity, adapt, improvise and overcome obstacles with minimal supervision and resources while embedded within diverse teams.


Since sales is one of the few professions where 90% of the time people say no and the other10% still means success, this further de-risks the risk of attrition due to adversity.


Veterans lack the experience to translate their military experience into the civilian world and the civilian world that struggles do to leverage their strengths. 


That's where we come in. 

Who are the veterans

Core Selection Criteria

Sales Platoon is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do at our Veterans' Organization is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving your organization's biggest challenge: finding, training and retaining high-quality sales talent. We make sure our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and communities.



Right Team, Right Talent

Leveraging our deep connections within the military community, we source high-potential candidates using our proprietary core selection criteria. This rigorous process only accepts 1 of 5 applicants. 

Prior to placement with an organization, we utilize our proprietary sales inspection process, to identify the specific type of rep that your organization needs - and then design our pre-onboarding accordingly.


Right Talent. Right Skills.

Based upon the unique needs of your organization, we utilize our unique boot camp process to teach the critical skills, sales fundamentals and behaviors required for success.  Our process provides both tactical and strategic training to transform high-potential military veterans into highly qualified, pre-trained, sales professionals.


Right Skills. Right Team.

With your organization's mission always in mind we create a custom roadmap and onboarding plan for each candidate - creating role clarity and a training plan for the individual, customized to your business.   Having led sales teams for over 20 years, our founder knows what reps need to know to hit the ground running and he makes sure the training is practical and actionable and that you see value from day 1.


Tel. 931.217.4772


Clarksville, TN 37042​

Monday - Friday 8am to 6pm

Saturday 11am to 4pm

Sunday Closed 



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